Sunday, 20 March 2011

Adobe Flash 10.2 Beta is Now Available for Froyo, Gingerbread, and Honeycomb

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Adobe has just released Adobe Flash 2.10 beta for Android devices. This application is available on Android Market and Android devices can be mounted on Honeycomb 3.0, 2.3 or 2.2 Froyo Gingerbread.

Adobe states that with this Flash 2.10 beta device performance will be improved including the battery resistance. Flash 10.2 beta is actually made ​​with the purpose for the tablet OS Honeycomb, but other devices can also wear it as long as it is able to meet the needs of system required. This application will show improvement when mounted on the device with dual-core processor while the device is a single processor core can be seen only a slight increase when playing video.

Unfortunately Flash 10.2 beta is according to Engadget still can handle 720p video content with the good. Looks like the beta version of this plugin can not run at full speed because there is no video processing by hardware. Support for this hardware rendering will be available in future versions that may be present in the next few weeks.

Via Techradar, Engadget



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